1610 Quarto Geneva Bible with Metalwork, Oak Boards, and Clasps


Key Features

Format: Quarto (8.25” x 6.25” x 3”)
Font: Two Column Black Letter
Binding: Brown Two-Toned Calf
Extras: Metalwork, Oak Boards, Clasps
Bound With: BCP, Tables, Psalter
Printer: Robert Barker, London
SKU: Q86

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Key Features

Format: Quarto (8.25” x 6.25” x 3”)
Font: Two Column Black Letter
Binding: Brown Two-Toned Calf
Extras: Metalwork, Oak Boards, Clasps
Bound With: BCP, Tables, Psalter
Printer: Robert Barker, London
SKU: Q86

Key Features

Format: Quarto (8.25” x 6.25” x 3”)
Font: Two Column Black Letter
Binding: Brown Two-Toned Calf
Extras: Metalwork, Oak Boards, Clasps
Bound With: BCP, Tables, Psalter
Printer: Robert Barker, London
SKU: Q86

[The Bible: Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translation in divers Languages. With most profitable Annotations…]


A beautifully bound black letter Geneva Bible with the Book of Common Prayer and Metrical Psalter. Oak boards, metal bosses, corners, and clasps with a very clean text – this one has it all.


Begins with the Book of Common Prayer with title page (1611), printed in red and black with architectural border. Text in two column black letter. With Apocrypha as issued. New Testament title page (1610) with composite woodcut border comprising twenty-four small compartments showing the tents of the twelve tribes as well as the figures of the twelve apostles. Title is enclosed within a heart-shaped frame. With Two Right Profitable and Fruitful Concordances by R[obert] F. H[errey] with printed title page and dated colophon (1610). Bound with The Whole Booke of Psalmes with title page featuring printer’s device (1611). First chapter woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces throughout.


*^4 (-*^4), A-Z^8, Aa-Zz^8, Aaa-Hhh^8, Iii^2 [Old Testament], *^4, Kkk-Yyy^8, Zzz^10. Lacks four leaves (general title and prelims).


Late seventeenth century calf with full contrasting concentric frames and corner fleurons over oak boards. Metal bosses, corner pieces, backstrips, clasps, and chain cleats (chain perished). Original spine with five blind-lined raised bands. No endpapers.


Overall a very bright and clean text with very infrequent staining; First few leaves of BCP frayed; Ss-Uu small worm track to lower gutter; New Testament title with short closed tear to lower outer corner; Lll1, Ooo1 small piece torn to lower corner without loss; Rrr1-2 (Acts 14-17) frayed to edges with loss to a few letters of notes; Final three leaves of Booke of Psalmes frayed with burn hole and some text loss.


“Alexander Osborne His Booke November ye 21 [16]97” to front blank leaf. “Alexander Osborne Sonne of John ye Mary Osborne was borne the 7th day of June 1670” to Hh3 lower margin.


A clean and bright example of a Breeches Bible in an original binding from the late seventeenth century. It’s very difficult to secure such a clean copy with all the metalwork intact.


Herbert 303. David Pearson, English Bookbinding Styles 1450-1800, pp. 70-71.