About Us
Our Commitment
Extensive Selection
We offer an extensive selection of quality sixteenth and seventeenth century English Bibles, Bible leaves, and theology books. You’ll have many options to choose from for your Bible including the version, time period, binding style, and size.
Quality Bibles
We aim for accurate descriptions and collate each leaf of every hand-press era Bible we sell. We take the time to restore Bibles in an appropriate period style, have paper repairs done, and include the missing pages in expert facsimile.
Fast Shipping
We provide free and fast shipping for domestic orders. We have years of experience packaging and shipping antiquarian books. All orders over $2,000 receive a complimentary upgrade to overnight shipping.
Our Story
My parents, Rob and Coba, were the original founders of Antique Bible. The company’s origin story has become a family legend. It goes like this:
One day, back in 2006, Rob noticed a beat up old Bible while perusing a local thrift store. Despite its poor condition, he was intrigued by the craftsmanship and brought it home. Content with her modern study Bible, Coba was confused about why he bought it, but sensed something bigger going on. After a sleepless night of Rob researching on his computer and Coba praying in the bedroom, a company was born. They turned their home office into a place to source, store, and ship antique Bibles.
To save on shipping, Coba raided the remnants of Rob’s discarded stamp collection. We would sometimes sit around the kitchen table with envelopes of old stamps, carefully adding up 1, 2, and 5 cent stamps and adhering them to the shipping boxes with damp sponges. The local postal workers soon trusted Coba and stopped raising their eyebrows when she came in with stamp-laden boxes.
Passion, research, and hard work have transformed the fledgling idea into a full-fledged family business.
— Joe

About the Team
AntiqueBible.com is owned and operated by Dungeness Books and located in Holland, MI. We are alumni of the Colorado Antiquarian Book Seminar (CABS) and proud members of the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America (ABAA) and the International Online Booksellers Association (IOBA). We adhere to their code of ethics.
Favorite antique Bible: Geneva Bible.
"The Geneva Bible is the Bible of Shakespeare and the first English Bible with verse divisions. With beautiful woodcuts and ground-breaking study notes, this Bible truly stands apart."
Contact Us
Whether you're just starting your collection, you're an avid collector, or you're looking for the perfect Bible for someone you love - we'd love to talk with you.
Holland, MI
Joe: 360-302-1385