1602 Complete Pulpit Folio Bishops’ Bible With All Metalwork and Straps – KJV Base Text
Key Features
Beveled Oak Boards with Metalwork and Straps
Size: Pulpit Folio (15.75” x 11”)
Font: Two Column Black Letter
Binding: Rebacked Brown Calf
Extras: Beveled boards, metalwork, straps
Printer: Robert Barker, London
SKU: R64
Key Features
Beveled Oak Boards with Metalwork and Straps
Size: Pulpit Folio (15.75” x 11”)
Font: Two Column Black Letter
Binding: Rebacked Brown Calf
Extras: Beveled boards, metalwork, straps
Printer: Robert Barker, London
SKU: R64
Key Features
Beveled Oak Boards with Metalwork and Straps
Size: Pulpit Folio (15.75” x 11”)
Font: Two Column Black Letter
Binding: Rebacked Brown Calf
Extras: Beveled boards, metalwork, straps
Printer: Robert Barker, London
SKU: R64
The Holy Bible, Containing the Old Testament and the New. Authorized and appointed to be read in Churches
General title page (1602) with the first appearance of what would become the title page for the 59-line He and She Bibles. The twelve tribes, the twelve apostles on each side, the four evangelists with their gospel symbols around the letterpress, and the slain lamb in the center with the tetragrammaton above. Calendar printed in red and black. Full-page woodcut of Adam and Eve in the Garden before Genesis. Text within ruled border, in two column black letter with 72 lines to the full column. Title page to the Apocrypha present. New Testament title page (1602) with architectural border. Woodcut maps, woodcut chapter initials and decorated head- and tailpieces throughout.
Bible - A-C^6, A-Z^6, Aa-Zz^6, Aaa-Zzz^6, Aaaa-Nnnn^6, Oooo^4. Complete with all titles.
Brown calf over beveled oak boards, expertly rebacked. Boards within double blind paneled borders with eight cornerpieces, backstrips , metal bosses, and two straps. Plain endpapers.
General title trimmed to border and laid down; A6 (of both Calendar and Bible text) frayed with closed tear; A2,5 loss to lower margin reducing border; L1,2, Oo1, Qqq1-4, Xxx small lower marginal loss; Oooo4 (final leaf) with small loss costing two letters. A clean and well-preserved example of an important Bible.
The last printing of the Bishops’ Bible, used by the King James’ translators in their work. Robert Barker, who held the patent for printing the Bishops’ Bible, provided 40 unbound copies of this 1602 edition for the project. The text of the Bishops’ Bible was continually revised and this edition resembles the King James Version text more than the first edition 1568 printing.
Bible - Herbert 271; STC 2188; ESTC S122093; Luborsky 2188.