1573 Second Quarto Bishops’ Bible
Key Features
Format: Quarto (8” x 6.5”)
Font: Two Column Black Letter
Binding: Rebacked Brown Calf
Printer: Richard Jugge, London
SKU: R60
Key Features
Format: Quarto (8” x 6.5”)
Font: Two Column Black Letter
Binding: Rebacked Brown Calf
Printer: Richard Jugge, London
SKU: R60
Key Features
Format: Quarto (8” x 6.5”)
Font: Two Column Black Letter
Binding: Rebacked Brown Calf
Printer: Richard Jugge, London
SKU: R60
[The Holie Bible.]
Lacks the general title page and all other preliminaries. Begins with the Book of Common Prayer. Text in two column black letter with 60 lines to the full column. Woodcut to Genesis 1 with Adam in the Garden. Title to the second part, third part, and Apocrypha with woodcut border. Map of Canaan. Apocrypha included as issued. New Testament title page (1573) with woodcut border. Bound with the Whole Booke of Psalmes, lacking all after Psalm 141. First chapter floriated initials.
A-C^8, A-Z^8, Aa-Hh^8, Ii^4, A-V^8, Aaa-Mmm^8, Nnn^4, A-P^8, Q^6. Lacks prelims and general title.
Rebacked dark brown calf. Boards paneled in blind. Spine with recessed bands and red gilt-lined label with the words “The Holi Bible” and the date 1573 lettered in gilt.
Rubbed. R5 (1 Kings 5) lower corner loss of a few words of text; Iii2 (Acts) small hole with loss of two words; some soiling throughout.
Family genealogy records of Butler family at the end of Malachi.
The second quarto edition of the Bishops’ Bible with the revised NT and the substitution of the Prayer Book [or Great Bible] version of the Psalms. A scarce, early quarto Bishops’ Bible.
Herbert 135